Use offer code LINUSTECH to get 15% off everything at Get the Anker PowerExpand 7-in-2 USB-C Adapter on Amazon (PAID LINK) at Pay what you want and donate on a new pair of sneakers at Buy an LTT shirt, hoodie, hat, and even our own water bottle at Check out Carpool Critics, our new movie podcast: Podcast Download: Timestamps: (Courtesy of Michael O'Brien) 00:00:00 - Video Start 00:00:02 - Welcome! Second Time's a Charm! OBS problems like last week caused a 04:12 failed stream :( 00:00:16 - Twitch Ban teaser 00:00:46 - Microsoft teaser #1 00:01:06 - Intel teaser + Linus' angst 00:01:39 - Microsoft teaser #2 + scripted surprise ;) 00:02:11 - ROLL INTRO! 00:02:33 - Lucky Sponsors 00:02:53 - Faux start 00:03:19 - Topic #1: Intel's misleading marketing slides 00:08:43 - Calulator napkin math 00:10:03 - Evil or Stupid? 00:11:06 - They shouldn't have done it. Overall credibility loss 00:14:26 - Transistor design optimization on process node 00:15:35 - Honest truth & intelligence conflated with biased marketing 00:20:23 - rant & why Intel's metrics are wrong/right-ish/wrong 00:29:58 - Luke chimes in 00:33:34 - Fundamental issue recap 00:38:24 - Topic #2: Dr DisRespect ban on Twitch 00:39:02 - Disclaimer & Platform responsibility 00:40:45 - What that means 00:41:55 - Luke's take 00:43:22 - LTT's experience on legal similarities 00:44:21 - Xbox 1 Launch precedent & reprocussions 00:45:44 - Linus'/Luke's speculation 00:47:00 - Surprised Linus! - someone make a meme 00:47:24 - The pariah that is Facebook 00:50:08 - Sponsors! 00:50:12 - Anker 00:51:29 - Mos Organizer 00:52:26 - Vessi Footwear - Linus wears shoes 00:53:50 - Topic #3: Microsoft 'nixes Mixer 00:54:51 - Death! due to lack of growth 00:56:07 - Good chart this time! 00:57:00 - Wild amounts of money offered, maybe 00:58:16 - The loualty of Linus 01:00:25 - Speculation of deplatformed streamers' actions 01:04:38 - YouTube's neutrality 01:06:12 - Set-for-life & final takes 01:07:47 - Floatplane! 01:09:28 - Topic #4: Microsoft's store closures 01:10:11 - Microsoft's success vs Apple's 01:12:11 - Digital vs physical time investment 01:13:33 - Layoff speculation 01:14:10 - Topics not discussed 01:15:39 - Death of retail fruitions 01:16:28 - Superchats 01:23:21 - Outro and Goodbyes